Code for Sustainable Homes & Home Quality Mark

We have Code certified thousands of individual new build dwellings across the UK, providing a multitude of services to a wide range of developers and clients.

We have been involved from the beginning, firstly with, EcoHomes and then the advent of Code for Sustainable Homes (CSH) in 2007. We employ in house Code assessors and our existing energy assessment, air leakage and sound testing services along with our experience in this field compliments this service.

Cost is always at the forefront of our mind and whether you are planning a single house or a 1000+ multi phase development you can be sure we will draw on our years of experience to ensure you are provided with the best service available.

Current projects include—

CSH is the national standard for the sustainable design and construction of new homes in the UK. It was developed by the Communities and Local Government (CLG) alongside the Building Research Establishment (BRE). The Code aims to reduce our carbon emissions, create homes that are more sustainable and provide a better living environment to its residents. The Code acts as a vehicle for continuous improvement, greater innovation and exemplary achievement in sustainable home building. It is mandatory for all new homes to be rated against the Code.

The assessment takes place over nine categories to provide an overall dwelling rating; comprising of optional and mandatory elements it enables scope within sustainable design.

The categories are as follows—

  1. Energy & CO2 Emissions
  2. Water
  3. Materials
  4. Surface Water Run-off
  5. Waste
  6. Pollution
  7. Health & Wellbeing
  8. Management
  9. Ecology

A star rating from 1–6 is employed to illustrate overall sustainability performance. Code assessments are carried out in two phases: the design stage and post construction stage.

Home Quality Mark

We are qualified to undertake Home Quality Mark (HQM) assessments. The HQM is the BRE’s latest sustainability standard for domestic buildings. Issues considered under the new domestic assessment scheme include; building quality, running costs and the local environment.

The Home Quality Mark is split into three sections:

– Knowledge Sharing, which aims to reduce the performance gap between energy calculations and the as built design.

– Our Surroundings, considering building services, transport infrastructure and local amenities.

– My Home – focusing on the quality of internal spaces.

Dwellings certified under the Quality Mark offer a range of benefits to occupants including low energy bills, low mortgage / insurance costs, lots of natural light, good air quality, low CO2 emissions and sustainable materials.

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