Energy Performance Certificates (EPC) & Minimum Energy Efficiency Standards (MEES)

All new developments require SAP or SBEM Calculations and Energy Performance Certificates (EPCs) to meet Building Regulations Approved Documents L1 & L2 and the EU’s Energy Performance of Buildings Directive. These calculations are done via approved software, which estimates the overall energy/ carbon emissions efficiency of a building.

Current Part L Building Regulations updated on 1st October 2010 requires all new buildings to reduce carbon emissions by 25%. In 2013 Part L will be updated again with even more rigorous targets set. It is now even more important that you have robust, professional advice on how to meet these regulations in the optimal, cost effective way.

We are qualified to carry out these calculations on—

On completion of the property we are accredited and licensed to convert our calculations into Energy Performance Certificates (EPCs).

We also carry out:

Therefore we are able to provide a cost effective, efficient & convenient service to ensure your development achieves Building Regulations compliance. No building is too simple or too complex.

MEES Report (Minimum Energy Efficiency Standards Report)
Due to changes in legislation as of April 2018 properties will be required to meet the new legal EPC requirements. MEES reports have been introduced as a cost effective way of achieving that. The report will enable a property's EPC rating to rise and meet the minimum 'E' rating, or even reach a carbon neutral 'A' rating.

With our bespoke software we are able to convert an EPC produced 6 or more years ago, that will not have the same rating as a newly complete EPC will have, and reflect the current standards as necessary.

Once discussed with us, the desired rating and the cost effective measure that has been chosen will be provided in a report that offers the estimated costs and payback for each area. This will subsequently boost the EPC to the new rating. This report can then be used by yourself to carry out any works that need to be done, or as an alternative, we can gather/ provide quotes and manage the improvements, whilst keeping you up to date throughout.

If you carry out the improvements suggested in the report and decide to have another EPC produced to access the changes, we cannot guarantee that there will be an improvement in the rating, but with the MEES report, you can be sure that you will meet the new requirements.

We will make the process cost effective and simple for you. Call us today.

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