Passive House Design and Analysis

We expert team of energy professionals have undertaken Certified European Passive House Design Consultant Training.

Passive House design has been widely adopted throughout Europe for more than a decade, and more buildings are being built to this specification within the UK in recent times. It can be applied to residential and commercial buildings.

The focus of Passive House specification is on the building fabric with very high levels of insulation, minimal thermal bridging, very low air leakage rates (< 1m3/hr.m2@50Pa) and good passive solar gain through carefully sized and positioned windows. A specific space heating requirement must be achieved (< 15kWh/m2yr) and the ventilation system with heat recovery must be highly efficient. Passive House is based on the overall energy demand.

Through Passive House design major energy savings can be achieved without compromising comfort and without using expensive renewable technologies.

We are experts in Passive House modelling at design stage.

We are also fully accredited Air Leakage Testing engineers, SAP/SBEM, Thermal bridging specialists, BREEAM/ Code assessors, Infrared Thermographers, and MVHR balancing and commissioning experts as well as daylighting experts which mean we are ideally placed to ensure your building meets Passive House standards.

Please call us to discuss your requirements further.


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