Daylighting, Sunlight and ‘Right to Light’ Calculations

We offer daylight, sunlight and ‘right to light’ modelling and reports for planning, BREEAM/Code or for disputes in ‘right to light’ issues.

Planning Issues

Many planning authorities now require light issues to be addressed as part of a planning application. We provide the required evidence and reports showing if neighboring properties are adversely affected by a new development, extension or wall to assist with gaining planning approval.

Daylighting Analysis and Modelling

We use daylight modelling software to assess a building in detail, together with the effect of neighbouring buildings and obstructions. Modelling can highlight the important balance between higher levels of natural daylight in buildings against the additional heating/cooling requirement in spaces with large areas of glazing. Correctly sized and positioned glazing reduces the need for artificial lighting and creates a better environment to live and work in.

We are qualified to provide the required reports and calculations to fulfill BREEAM and Code for Sustainable Homes (Hea 1 and 2) assessments. These simulations can be run in conjunction with BREEAM Energy analysis to optimise the holistic solution.

Sunlight and Shadow Modelling

Sunlight and shadow modelling highlights the geometric relationship between the sun and buildings and analysis of this data allows us to managing the effects of the sun to ensure good building design.

We use the modelling to assist with planning applications, to perform solar studies, minimise solar glare, monitor shadowing effects, assess the impact of solar penetration and effective shading, and to optimise building position, orientation and minimise cooling plant or heating requirements.

Right of Light

We can act on behalf of developers or neighbours in disputes of light issues. As specialists in this complex area we are able to assess the size of a light ‘injury’ and to quantify its value for compensation purposes. We can also carry out the court negotiations for our clients with submission of our detailed analysis of the extent of the light loss.

“Remember sometimes you have to fight for your light!”

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